Kooragang Island Coal Export Terminal

Project Overview

The expansion of the Kooragang Island Coal Export Terminal, aimed at increasing coal throughput to 30 Mtpa, involved substantial dredging and reclamation efforts. A total of 3.5 million m³ of dredged sands were repurposed as construction fill for this key facility in Newcastle, Australia.

A large construction vehicle traverses the sandy terrain at an industrial site on Kooragang Island. In the background, cranes and ships populate the coal export terminal under a clear blue sky, while the vehicle leaves tracks in the sand.

Landpac's Solution

High Energy Impact Compaction (HEIC) was employed by Landpac to enhance the bearing characteristics of the dredged fill. This approach was crucial for achieving the necessary medium density and ensuring the long-term stability of the terminal’s infrastructure.


The site, spanning approximately 40Ha, was primarily situated on dredged fill overlying a mix of soft clays, silts, and sands. This complex soil composition required a robust solution to ensure stability and load-bearing capacity for the coal stockpile and reclaimer area.

Application of HEIC

Coal Stockpiles: HEIC was used to compact the soil beneath the stockpile areas, crucial for supporting the weight of coal stockpiles.

Conveyor Systems and Rail Sidings: HEIC improved subgrade conditions for essential transport components of the terminal.

Storage Yards and Loading Facilities: The technique ensured stable and durable foundations for critical operational areas.


Enhanced Soil Compaction: HEIC increased the soil’s density, strength, and load-bearing capacity, essential for the terminal’s operations.

Minimised Settlement Risks: The approach effectively reduced potential settlement and ground movement issues.

Operational Efficiency: HEIC contributed to optimized terminal operations by providing a stable foundation for material handling and transportation.

Monitoring & Verification

Regular monitoring with Landpac’s soil response and continuous induced settlement systems, along with Density and CPT testing, verified the effectiveness of HEIC.

Through the strategic use of HEIC, the Kooragang Island Coal Export Terminal project successfully addressed its ground improvement challenges, laying the foundation for efficient coal handling and export operations.

Client: Newcastle Coal Infrastructure Group

Principal Contractor: AbiGroup Construction

Ground Improvement Contractor: Landpac

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