
The base on which progress is built.

Landpac caters to large-scale infrastructure projects in a wide range of industries. High Energy Impact Compaction (HEIC) is fundamental to our work in establishing key infrastructure assets such as shipping terminals, airports, and other transport networks. HEIC can make light work of land that other methods of compaction simply can’t touch – including reclaimed or otherwise inaccessible land – opening up new development and commercial opportunities.

Our work by numbers

5,381,881 km² of 
ground compacted

27 industries catered to

3 countries worked in

33,123,000 m3 of 
earth filled

91 clients collaborated with

139 projects delivered


Chek Lap Kok Airport

Location: Hong Kong
Client: Hong Kong Provisional Airport Authority

Chek Lap Kok Airport was built on an airport platform (12.5 km²) with 75% of the area on reclaimed land with the remaining 25% formed by excavating two existing granitic islands. The construction comprised the placement of 197 million m³ with 70 million m³ of that being hydraulically placed dredged sand fill.

Landpac was engaged to carry out Impact Compaction of the in-situ sub-grade materials as an alternative to the costly removal to the required depth and backfilling in layers with conventional roller compaction.

Port Botany

Location: Sydney, NSW
Client: Sydney Ports

To achieve the required compaction in the hydraulically placed dredged fill to 16m depth or so, Dynamic Compaction or Vibro-Floatation was used. The upper 3m of the soil profile with the use of Dynamic Compaction or Vibro-floatation techniques on a non-cohesive soil tends to be loose. Impact Compaction provided an economical means of compacting the upper loose soil profile to the required compaction levels after the Dynamic Compaction or Vibro-floatation had been applied.

London Gateway

Location: London, UK
Client: Dubai Ports World

The London Gateway project consisted of land reclamation with dredged fill. Landpac was engaged to do the surface compaction of the upper 3m on Port 1 & 2 (16Ha) after the completion of the deep compaction.

Moin Container Terminal

Location: Costa Rica
Client: APM Terminals

APM Terminals are expanding the port capacity at Limon Costa Rica, which handles 80% of the freight for Costa Rica. The terminal is being developed on a 40 Ha reclaimed area formed from dredged sand fill. Landpac has been engaged to compact the upper 3 metres to a Relative Density of 90%

Kooragang Island Coal Export

Location: Newcastle, Australia
Client: AbiGroup Construction

The NCIG Kooragang Island Project aimed to increase coal throughput capacity to 30 Mtpa, involving the dredging of three berths in the Hunter River’s south arm to construct a functional coal export port. This significant project saw the collaboration of Dredeco and Boskalis Australia in dredging, resulting in 3.5 million m³ of sands being repurposed as construction fill. 

Port Tanger Project

Location: Morocco
Client: Tanger Med Port Authority

The Tanger MED 2 project, a major container terminal development in Morocco, incorporated innovative compaction techniques for its 140ha construction site. Faced with the challenge of effectively compacting the top 2-3m of dredged material, a trial using Impact Compaction was executed.

Jebel Ali Port

Location: Dubai
Client: Dubai Ports World

At Jebel Ali Port, Dubai, a reclamation project behind Quay 4 and Berth 21 involved backfilling dredged marine sands to a depth of 16m, initially improved by Vibro compaction. However, initial Cone Penetration Testing indicated inadequate compaction in the top 2m. Landpac intervened, enhancing the bearing characteristics of this layer with their impact compaction technique.

Tuas Terminal Phase 1

Location: Singapore
Client: The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA)

LANDPAC was engaged to do the surface compaction of the upper 2.4m sand fill layer to a 90%MMDD >1m depth and 95%MMDD ≤1m depth Compaction on the existing and newly reclaimed land by 410 ha. The compaction work was successively carried out by using a 3-sided twin drum impact compactor.

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Successful remediation of contaminated sites with HEIC

Landpac’s successful use of HEIC has been instrumental in significantly improving various contaminated sites, including:

Rail maintenance facility

A highly contaminated site with Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM) was stabilized using in-situ High Energy Impact Compaction (HEIC), followed by the placement of an orange geofabric barrier and a 20-inch (500mm) cap of clean Virgin Excavated Natural Material (VENM) for safety and compliance.


The site, initially covering 130,000 square meters, was contaminated with heavy metals including lead, zinc, and arsenic. It underwent in-situ compaction using High Energy Impact Compaction (HEIC) as a remediation strategy. Following treatment, the area was expanded to 150,000m², capped, and repurposed for industrial use.

Defence facility

A specialised cell was constructed to contain Per-and Poly Fluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS)-contaminated soils, which were compacted on-site. This containment is crucial due to the persistence, environmental prevalence, and significant health impacts of PFAS contaminants.

Industrial development

A heavily contaminated 80,000m² site with ACM and heavy metals was rehabilitated using High Energy Impact Compaction (HEIC). After in-situ compaction and capping with approved materials, the site was transformed into a valuable industrial asset and sold to the client.

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